[TriLUG] FCC may step in to pre-empt TWC like legislation

Carl Schaefer schaefer at trilug.org
Thu Jun 12 12:14:39 EDT 2014

On Thu, 2014-06-12 at 11:44 -0400, Gary Carr wrote:
> I agree that there needs to be more competition. IMHO the government 
> needs to shift the Universal Service Fund from telco to broadband but 
> not give it to the large conglomerates. It needs to be given to private 
> independent companies that will complete against the larger companies.

the shift to broadband sounds right, and using it to encourage
competition sounds reasonable.  Both independent companies and municipal
providers would do that.

> When I was in the ISP business we faced this very issue in the Scotland 
> county market. The city of Laurinburg used grant money to lay fiber 
> around the county and directly complete against us or I should say under 
> cut us and made it impossible to exist in that market.

Well, the city owes more to its citizens than to any particular company.
What's the rest of the story?  When did that happen, and how has their
broadband market developed since then?

> > but trying to stay focused on broadband, I doubt there are many people
> > in Wilson who would agree with you.  Can any corporate provider match
> > their service/price?  In Cary my only choices involve paying more for
> > less.
> >
> >

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