[TriLUG] troubleshooting spotty internet connectivity with TWCBC

Bill Farrow bill at arrowsreach.com
Wed Jul 23 08:46:09 EDT 2014

On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 7:29 AM, John Broome <jbroome at gmail.com> wrote:
> I also have/had smokeping running against the work VPN endpoint, the first
> TWC hop outside my router, the router and the cable modem so I can show
> them the graphs of everything fine on my side of the connection and how
> crap it is to their gateway.

Hard evidence like log data works every time. I have a cron job that
pings the router, modem, and an external site and logs failures with a
time stamp. I run this in two places, inside my work network and on an
external machine.

Here is a good example:

My problem was resolved once I showed TWBC support that their modem
was disappearing while all other hosts stayed up. TWBC replaced the
Ubee modem with a Motorola which fixed it.

In Dewey's case, it sounds like a TWBC internal routing problem.


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