David Both
dboth at millennium-technology.com
Mon Jan 5 08:40:06 EST 2015
My own web site, http://www.databook.bz, is a good example of creating a blog or
personal database of some sort as a memory aid for one's self and making it
available to others. Mine started primarily because I had to research the same
problems, fixes and various bits of information several times over. In part due
to the holes in memory caused by just getting older, but also because I do many
of these things so infrequently that they don't get ingrained into my brain or
muscle memory.
I would suggest that if any of you other folks on this list have similar blogs
or memory aides, that you let us all know of their URL so we can partake of your
collective knowledge and wisdom.
On 01/05/2015 08:30 AM, Ken M wrote:
> Second this idea. And Alan's blog is a good example one. Having browsed it myself there is some cool stuff in there.
> Another option is participating in wikis and forums to document bugs and workarounds. Last year I came full circle for the first time on this. As in I could not remember the steps for a fix I had done a couple months prior for something. So I went to google it and the top response that came back was my own forum post on the solution. So I actually ended up googling myself sort of.
> Ken
> On Sun, Jan 04, 2015 at 10:24:31PM -0500, Alan Porter wrote:
>>> Quality documentation is useful and people should be praised for wanting to contribute by producing more of it.
>> If fully volunteering for a project like TLDP is too much for you, it's
>> still worthwhile to share your experiences through blog posts.
>> I started writing tech stuff on my blog as a way to document tricks for
>> myself, so future-me could find reminders of the Linux-fu that past-me
>> had accomplished. But once that stuff is recorded in a public searchable
>> space, it can benefit a lot of downstream users.
>> So write on!
>> Alan
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>> *********************************************************
>> David P. Both, RHCE
>> Millennium Technology Consulting LLC
>> Raleigh, NC, USA
>> 919-389-8678
>> dboth at millennium-technology.com
>> www.millennium-technology.com
>> www.databook.bz - Home of the DataBook for Linux
>> DataBook is a Registered Trademark of David Both
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