[TriLUG] mail.trilug.org server cert issue

matt at noway2.thruhere.net matt at noway2.thruhere.net
Mon Jan 5 15:50:46 EST 2015

Out of curiosity, what is the problem?

I too use a StartCom certificate with Postfix and if I recall correctly,
it was fairly straightforward once it was in the right format (PK12 - or
some such).

Is there some new "thing" or "change" creating issues this year?

>> If I view the certificate, it says that
>> it was issued by StartCom Class 1 Primary Intermediate Server CA, and
>> that the certificate begins on 1/17/11 and expired on 1/18/12.
> Yeah, we had a little problem with the certificate that we generated
> this week, and so we "set it back like it was"... only "like it was"
> turned out to be "like it was in 2011.  :-)
> I fixed it to "like it was in January 2014", so it should work for
> now.
> However, we will soon be attempting to set them up with new 2015 certs.
> Alan Porter
> email janitor
> certificate wrangler
> --
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