[TriLUG] Slightly Off Topic - personal NAS or Cloud Service?

Wes Garrison wes at xitechusa.com
Sat Jan 31 19:50:38 EST 2015

+1 for ZFS.  I tried NAS4Free, which is the continuation of the original
FreeNAS project.  At the time it didn't work with my 3Ware/LSI card, even
though I was just using it as a "dumb" SATA controller, and I wanted to run
my modified MythTV* on it, so I really needed Linux instead of FreeBSD.

Now I'm using ZFSonLinux <http://zfsonlinux.org/> on my Debian box.

Honestly it was as easy as adding the repo and dpkg -install.

I can't say enough good things about ZFS.  I had 3 simultaneous failures
this fall on my dual-parity rig, but only ended up losing data from a
handful of files.

ZFS does a checksum every time data is read or written, so you avoid data
corruption before it starts.

Regarding hard drives, go ahead and spring for the NAS drives.  Hitachi NAS
disks are best but the WD Reds are pretty good too.  (Hitachi is owned by
WD now, but the Hitachi drives are still Hitachi for now)

Newegg has the 3TB Reds on sale
(today only!) for $110.

*My modified MythTV <https://github.com/waldo22/mythtv/tree/fixes/0.26> allows
me to directly record the unmodified h.264 transport streams from my VIP211
Dish Network receiver with the R5000HD modification.  Pretty cool!  (it
does NOT allow me to access content that I don't subscribe to, so no
nefarious purposes here)

Wesley S. Garrison
Network Engineer
Xitech Communications, Inc.
phone:  (919) 260-0803
pager:   (919) 869-1744
fax:       (919) 932-5051
"Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from email."

On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 7:31 PM, Joseph Mack NA3T <jmack at austintek.com>

> On Sat, 31 Jan 2015, Alan Porter wrote:
>  I am low tech, so keeping an eye on everything is not as sophisticated as
>>> Alan's setup.
>> I find it pretty hilarious that anyone would consider flashback, a
>> wrapper around rsync, "sophisticated".
> hey, I still use flint and steel to light a fire to cook my dinner. Now
> get off my lawn.
> Joe
> --
> Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
> jmack (at) austintek (dot) com - azimuthal equidistant
> map generator at http://www.wm7d.net/azproj.shtml
> Homepage http://www.austintek.com/ It's GNU/Linux!
> --
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