[TriLUG] ReCaptcha ( mobile ) issues

Brian McCullough via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Mon Jul 25 08:34:12 EDT 2016

One last(?) note.

I found that if I rotated the "failing" broswer in Android; don't know
whether this works in iPhones, but I expect so; into a landscape mode,
ReCaptcha worked properly.  Not a big surprise, because now the screen
was wider.

Digging into the code that Google sends to the browser, an iframe inside
nested divs, it appears that when the width is more than 450px, the div
that immediately wraps the iframe has "position: relative," but when the
size is less, the div suddenly has "position: absolute" and does not
display anywhere visible.

There are no classes, just element-specific styles for each of the divs
and the iframe, so I don't see any way to influence this.  I have tried
the viewport meta-tag as well as the CSS viewport elements, but nothing
seems to have any effect.

Oh, well.


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