[TriLUG] Interior security camera

Grawburg via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Thu Jul 28 12:01:02 EDT 2016

The Pi is a consideration, my only concern was whether or not the camera has high enough definition. I have enough experience with the Pi (I'd use a Pi 3) to set it up.  The problem we are facing is that we think one of the cashiers is skimming money and can't prove it without evidence.  Finding a suitable enclosure will be the next issue.

Brian Grawburg

-----Original Message-----
From: "Roger" <RogerB at bronord.com>
To: "Grawburg" <grawburg at myglnc.com>, "Triangle Linux Users Group General Discussion" <trilug at trilug.org>
Date: 07/28/16 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: [TriLUG] Interior security camera

Think about raspberry Pi. The III's have built-in camera support and an I'd expect that the add-on camera is inexpensive. I posted a link recently on the list for a $57 mit, with a discount code, via lifehacker.com / Amazon.You could probably even put together a player on it to play soothing music for the cashier and customers! But, I'm not sure that I would want to be your cashier, being watched every moment!  

[This was sent from a PC running Debian 7, 64-bit Linux. No Microsoft products were used.]

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