[TriLUG] On the subject of Google WiFi

Matt Flyer via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Thu Aug 25 15:11:08 EDT 2016

It should be well known by now that Google is not reknown for having
the best of intentions when it comes to wanting to be the be all, know
all of everything.

I just saw this article on MSN: http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/technolo

In light of the fact that we are discussing Google wanting to make the
'last mile' wifi, it was enough to make me go Hmmmm.....

>From the article: "As people move through a space with a wi-fi signal,
their bodies affect it, absorbing some waves and reflecting others in
various directions. By analyzing the exact ways that a wi-fi signal is
altered when a human moves through it, researchers can “see” what
someone writes with their finger in the air, identify a particular
person by the way that they walk, and even read a person’s lips with
startling accuracy—in some cases even if a router isn’t in the same
room as the person performing the actions."

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