[TriLUG] AWS storage and upload thingies

Mauricio Tavares via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Mon May 22 10:06:28 EDT 2017

On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 9:37 AM, Igor Partola via TriLUG
<trilug at trilug.org> wrote:
> I would caution against using Glacier. The pricing for it is some of the most complicated in AWS, and you can get bitten by it badly. It is for real disaster recovery and where recovery time doesn't matter. Basically you can only retrieve something like 10% of your data per month without it becoming hugely expensive. It is effectively write only storage where you can say that the data is safe, but can't really get at it quickly or easily.
      What is my plan is to put a 5TB encrypted (don't trust Amazon)
file there I should never need to get back, and until I am told we can
get rid of them. And if we need back, we can wait a week for it to get
back. Otherwise, we will never touch it or download a bit every month,
for it is a single file; it is all or nothing.

I looked at https://aws.amazon.com/glacier/pricing/ and I guess that
uner "Data Transfer OUT From Amazon Glacier To Internet" that would
fall under the "$0.090 per GB"

> S3 is more expensive, but still cheap. If price here makes a difference to you, I would look at Google Cloud's file storage, as well as Backblaze's B2 thing. Both are cheaper than S3.
      I will check into that!

> If you are talking about a relatively small amount of data (1-3TB), Amazon also offers a thing called Cloud Drive which is a flat $60 for unlimited storage. Obviously it is limited by some fair use clause but as long as you are not a crazy outlier, you'll be ok. It has a Linux client I believe.

      For my use case I do not think it makes sense but it would be
nicer if we need to access the file more often than I plan on (never +
1 day).

> Igor
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