[TriLUG] can't attach passwd protected zip file to e-mail

Matt Flyer via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Fri Jun 23 13:01:34 EDT 2017

Honestly, my prime suspect would be good old Uncle Sam. I know, I know,
I'm giving them too much credit, however, I too have heard about them
putting their hooks right in the Google data centers.

They no longer try to hide the fact that they're hell bent on scooping
up and analyzing every bit of data that they can.  A lot of
information, including hacking tools and other things that they may not
want exposed would be easily disseminated in an email.  Also, a lot of
pirated material is sent in a .RAR file that requires a password to
decrypt and they may be trying to stop that.

Remember that this is a group that thought they could stop people from
being able to access pirate, or any other website they don't want you
to go to, simply by telling the ISPs that they had to remove it from
their DNS servers, a la SOPA, so they're not the most tech savvy.
On Fri, 2017-06-23 at 12:01 -0400, Brian via TriLUG wrote:
> This in particular seems rather chilling.  I wouldn't expect authors
> of 
> software to take the time to implement such a check/ban without
> cause; 
> from what are the authors of Alpine protecting themselves?  

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