[TriLUG] at&t fiber

Hilmar Lapp via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Wed Sep 6 11:50:51 EDT 2017

I may have missed earlier reports about the experience from folks who adopted AT&T Fiber. They’ve laid the fiber in our neighborhood a year ago and of course now they aggressively try to sell it to everyone.

I can’t say their pricing is aggressive – we’re not cable TV customers so their bundles including TV don’t appeal to us, and internet-only is about the same as with TWC/Spectrum 300Mbps – but they claim that their bandwidth is way more consistent high at >300 Mbps than TWC/Spectrum cable. Even if that were to be true right now, it seems like that could well be explained by the network not being as crowded yet as far from everyone has signed on yet.

Any experience of folks out there with AT&T Fiber? If bandwidth was indeed great and highly consistent at first, did it stay that way or deteriorated as more people in the neighborhood signed on?

Hilmar Lapp -:- lappland.io

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