[TriLUG] Internet Neutrality

John Vaughters via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Fri Sep 8 19:17:39 EDT 2017

 Great term and very appropriate for this time.

>the amateur fascists

I agree, there are currently enough ISP options and more coming. We are in a healthy market already and Google is ramping it up. 
LTE is good enough for many and as a matter of fact some cord cutters do just that. Cell wireless is all they have and all they need. It's all about choice and just because you live in the USA does not mean you get all the options. I mean will the Government force Walmart to exist in a 1,000 person town? Of course not. Does Amazon have to provide same day service to the Bungfu, Maine (Sorry Maine no disrespect)? Of course not. Where does the over regulation concept end? (Not looking for an answer, it's obvious) 
John Vaughters

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