[TriLUG] Intel bug in the news today

Steve Litt via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Sat Jan 6 02:35:42 EST 2018

On Thu, 4 Jan 2018 20:48:13 +0000 (UTC)
John Vaughters via TriLUG <trilug at trilug.org> wrote:

> +1 Nothing BurgerĀ 
> Why? Because enough competition already exists 

How many competitors? How many competitors for a given house? How many
houses have one choice not involving long waits for satellite download
and requirement to do upload thru a separate wired medium?

Centurylink came by five years ago, door to door,  promising fiber.
Still no fiber in the neighborhood. Their only competition is
Brighthouse/Charter/Whatever. If they'd had ten competitors, would they
have survived without installing fiber?

> and is getting more
> competitive by the year. 

I read about more mergers than strong startups.

> Let the markets work and they will return
> the best most competitive product. If the issue ever gets to a
> monopoly situation, 

It's there. Many houses have only one alternative. Many others have
zero, unless you could satellite dishes with telephone line uplinks.

> we already have laws for that problem. 

Which are ignored. By folks with the kind of mindset stating that the
market will regulate itself, for-profit entities will police themselves
and work for the public good.

> As an
> example, I do not care if they throttle, because I do not have to buy
> their service, and they will not retain customers if they create bad
> business. 

How nice for you. You're one of the minority with several choices.

> Markets work, keep them free from Gov. intrusion.  

Ah yes, government intrusion.

Have a blessed day.

Steve Litt 
December 2017 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times

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