[TriLUG] What Do People Use to Debug C++ on RHEL 7?
Scott Chilcote via TriLUG
trilug at trilug.org
Mon Apr 23 16:11:12 EDT 2018
Seconded, enthusiastically.
I used vim for several years without any notion of how much depth it
has, in terms of well designed features that enhance software development.
I randomly walked into a talk by Damian Conway at OSCON ("Instantly
Better Vim!") and came out of there with my hair blown back! This guy
got a standing ovation by a room full of highly skeptical SMEs, if that
means anything. And I mean full, he has a following. They had to move
the group to a larger room pretty quickly when it became overfilled.
Google up his talks about improving Vim and using it for Python
development on youtube, if you have the time. You can also download his
.vimrc examples and command macros from github. He's got some rather
wild automation goodies on there, as well as many non-obvious but simple
Scott C.
On 04/23/2018 03:37 PM, Ken MacKenzie via TriLUG wrote:
> Nothing wrong with coding in vim. I use vim and emacs in a back and forth of
> what do I prefer that week. Vim + YouCompleteMe + CtrlP installed through
> Vundle
> is an excellent dev environment. Also when you start vim within the
> context of
> a python venv it works just against the venv for youcompleteme.
> Fact is I am yet to find an IDE that does everything I need for every
> language.
> So I would rather known an editor inside and out. I do my documentation and
> resume in vim and then use pandoc to export to other formats.
> Ken
> P.S. This reply composed in Mutt on Vim.
> On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 11:38:34AM -0400, Matt Flyer via TriLUG wrote:
>> Development environments in Linux is one of those areas that I have
>> always found to be somewhat disappointing. As much as I hate to admit
>> it, I still do most of my programming in Vim.
>> That being said, one IDE that I do like, which I have used for Python
>> is Atom. It looks like there is an experimental GDB plug in for it.
>> While I haven't tried it, this would be something that I would look
>> into.
>> On Sun, 2018-04-22 at 20:03 -0400, John via TriLUG wrote:
>>> Sorry I'm late to the thread, but you could try to approach it from a
>>> reverse engineering standpoint. Depending on the specific needs IDA
>>> pro
>>> is likely more than adequate to knock down this problem.
>> --
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Scott Chilcote
scottchilcote at ncrrbiz.com
Cary, NC USA
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