[TriLUG] Need Grub help

Paul Boyle via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Wed May 16 12:45:21 EDT 2018

Thanks for everyone's suggestions regarding this problem.  I could
never get the cloned drive to boot.  I ended up reformatting
the drive and reinstalling CENTOS 7 from an updated DVD copy (DVD-1804).

On Tue, 01 May 2018 18:02:06 -0400
Paul Boyle via TriLUG <trilug at trilug.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I had the hard drive which contains the OS and distro (CENTOS 7) on
> one of my student workstations fail (a hardware failure). /home is on
> a separate drive which is OK. I was able to clone the image of the
> drive to another hard drive (partitions look OK from gdisk). The
> cloned partitions can be mounted via a harness on another Linux box. 
> The layout of the disk is:
> /dev/sda1 -> /boot/efi (msdos(?))
> /dev/sda2 -> /boot (ext4)
> /dev/sda3 -> / (ext4)
> /dev/sda4 -> Linux swap
> I put the cloned drive into the PC. and when I try to boot I get an
> error saying
> "Reboot and select proper boot device
> or Insert Boot media into selected boot device and press a key".
> I'm thinking I need to run GRUB2 to make the system boot from new hard
> drive.  However, I am befuddled by GRUB2.  Can someone suggest a
> sensible course of action?
> I'm thinking  putting a original CENTOS install DVD and
> choosing the rescue option.  However, I don't know really what to do
> after that.
> Any help appreciated.
> Reason to break out the world's smallest violins:  I'm scheduled to
> start my vacation tomorrow and I would love to get this sorted out
> this evening.
> Thanks,
> Paul

Paul D. Boyle, Ph. D.
Manager, X-ray Facility
Department of Chemistry
Western University
London, ON N6A 5B7
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