[TriLUG] August 13th meeting - Bash tips and tricks.

Jonathan Mainguy via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Mon Aug 3 12:52:25 EDT 2020

This will be a virtual meeting only. Link to be posted on trilug.org before
the meeting.

We will begin with a quick election for the Sysadmin position on the
steering committee. If you wish to nominate yourself or someone else.
Please reach out to the steering committee via steering<at>trilug.org, or
the general mailing list trilug<at>trilug.org.

Currently we have one nominee.

Matt Flyer:
"I've been a Linux user for 15'ish odd years now, and really started
getting into it with some laptops back in the days of Ubuntu 7 and
Fedora 9.  Over the years, I have run public facing servers for my own
use, largely for email (postfix + dovecot), music streaming, and a
local Xenforo forum. I also maintain a couple of Linux servers here at
work that are used for a reporting web server.

I have experimented with and used a number of distributions including,
Ubuntu, Centos, Arch, Gentoo, and Slackware.  I am comfortable and
fluent using a shell interface.

While I sometimes do require some tech support assistance, one of the
things that this group excels at, I am used to solving problems in
those instances where it doesn't "just work"."

After the election. Jonathan Mainguy will give a talk showing off tips and
tricks in bash he has learned during his career.

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