[TriLUG] Mesh WiFi
Wes Garrison via TriLUG
trilug at trilug.org
Tue Oct 27 11:03:34 EDT 2020
What I meant is, Matt Flyer specifically said that he had cat 6 runs to
power each mesh AP, and was using dedicated wireless links between the 2,
setting the cat 6 link to PoE only.
In what scenario would that ever be better than using the cat 6 as the data
link back to the head of the network?
That doesn't make sense to me, but there's a high probability that there's
something about mesh wifi I don't understand.
On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 10:45 AM Bill Weinel via TriLUG <trilug at trilug.org>
> It also heavily depends on the local WiFi RF environment. If you're out in
> the middle of nowhere with no neighbors nearby, then one AP may work just
> great over a good distance. If you're in a dense neighborhood with lots of
> WiFi around, then it's a different story. The best WiFi system is always
> designed for the existing RF environment. In my system (in town in a
> neighborhood with lots of WiFi around) I use two wired Ubiquiti APs (one
> located centrally inside the house and one located in the detached garage
> at the back of the property.) They are both wired into my network and on
> different channels to avoid nearby interference. They are also both range
> and speed limited to prevent channel overlap interference as much as
> possible. When it comes to WiFi tuning, having good control software is the
> key. I have found Ubiquiti Unifi to be second to none in getting this job
> done. However it may be a bit intimidating for the novice. YMMV
> cheers,
> bill
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