[TriLUG] TriLUG Enters Another Year

Brian McCullough via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Mon Jun 28 15:52:44 EDT 2021

Come One, Come All!

Greetings TriLUGgers!

Now that we have started a new TriLUG year by holding our Steering Committee election, we need to plan our events for the next year or so.

We are asking your assistance in that planning, in various ways.  

First, if you have some project or new toy that you would like to show off, you are always welcome to do so.  That is how TriLUG started and will continue.  

Education, in all of its forms, is, and always will be, a watchword for TriLUG.  This includes not only the formal classes and workshops that we have held in the past, but also the demonstrations and presentations of new and different ways of doing things.  Even the discussions regarding the history of UNIX and Linux, and the reminiscences of some of the "old folks" who are members of TriLUG are educational, showing how we got to the point where we currently live with our computers in every single aspect of our lives.

Many of us have taken advantage of that education, found in our mailing list, the monthly meetings and other events produced by TriLUG to improve our knowledge and enjoyment of the Linux world.  One small example for me are the various DNS and networking treatises from Aaron in our mailing list.

As always, we welcome requests and suggestions for meeting topics and subjects that you would like covered in future meetings of TriLUG.

However, if you are learning something new or have found something new and interesting, or even old and interesting, we would love for you to "stand up" and show it to the rest of us.

If you feel that you don't have the knowledge or experience to prepare a proper presentation, there are people in TriLUG who would be happy to help you in all sorts of ways.

I look forward to hearing from the members of TriLUG on everything that I have been discussing, and anticipate another great year for TriLUG.

Brian McCullough,
for the Steering Committee

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