[TriLUG] recommendations for on-line Linux VM

Steve Litt via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Tue Feb 18 12:20:00 EST 2025

Joseph Mack NA3T via TriLUG said on Wed, 12 Feb 2025 11:51:33 +0000

>On Tue, 11 Feb 2025, Joseph Mack NA3T wrote:
>> I want a Linux machine on-line, that I can logon at the command
>> line, like I do with my home machines, and pilot. I want it to run a
>> lightly used a website. I also want to be able to install and remove
>> files at will had not have any blocked ports.  
>Thanks everyone for your suggestions.
>This is quite a morass. I just want a VM I can spin up and do what I
>want with, like I do at home. The VM will be running my azimuthal
>equidistant map generator, which has been making maps for 30 years
>now. It makes a couple of maps (maybe 5mins of CPU) a day. I don't
>need performance - eg nvmeSSDs and multiple CPUs. If I wanted
>performance, I would be hosting it myself.

Why *don't* you host it yourself? If it's not hit hard, you can just
make it available on your existing Internet connection. So what if you
have only 1 megabit/second up: it's not hit hard. You can put it on a
port that isn't blocked. Your ISP probably will never find out: It's
not hit hard.


Steve Litt 


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