[TriLUG] Pi0 as pi-hole

Bickhaus via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Fri Mar 7 21:00:01 EST 2025

It worked great. I had it running for years and just logged in once a month or so to run updates. Other than that, i never had to mess with it. I didn’t have free space at the time in my switch, so it was connected via WiFi. Have more ports and an extra Pi4 now, so that’s what led me to replace it.

Yes, i run two for redundancy. I don’t have my router pointed at any DNS other than the two PIs, so hopefully if/when they die on me, they do it one at a time.

Chris Bickhaus

On Fri, Mar 7, 2025 at 4:43 PM, Will Richey <[will.richey at afternoonmoon.com](mailto:On Fri, Mar 7, 2025 at 4:43 PM, Will Richey <<a href=)> wrote:

> drat... now I've gone and thread drifted... ignore my bad behavior, please
> On 3/7/25 5:41 PM, Will Richey wrote:
>> How well did the Pi0w work for the purpose? I have a bunch of Pi0-w
>> and one or two B1's that are busy gathering dust and might be of
>> service as a pi-hole.
>> Also, why "a pair of RPIs"? Redundancy or something else?
>> On 3/5/25 1:27 PM, Bickhaus via TriLUG wrote:
>>> Have been using pi-hole on a pair of RPis on my home network for a
>>> few years. I also installed unbound on them (following this guide:
>>> https://docs.pi-hole.net/guides/dns/unbound/), so the RPis are also
>>> private, recursive DNS servers. Pretty sweet. There are docker
>>> projects for getting pi-hole and unbound working together, but the
>>> pi-hole install and unbound guide are so straight forward, I haven’t
>>> bothered (there is nothing else running on the Pis anyway). I
>>> recently pressed a Pi4 into service as a pihole/unbound device to
>>> replace an aging Pi Zero W and can confirm the guide still works and
>>> is still easy to follow.
>>> Tl;dr: I second PiHole (though I also use ublock origin and privacy
>>> badger where available) and would further recommend Unbound to go
>>> with it.
>>> On Wed, Mar 5, 2025 at 12:13 PM, via TriLUG
>>> <[trilug at trilug.org](mailto:On Wed, Mar 5, 2025 at 12:13 PM, via
>>> TriLUG <<a href=)> wrote:
>>>> https://pi-hole.net/ is the right way to do this...
>>>> This will block the cruft on your entire network, in any app on the
>>>> device, on every device, rather than just in your browser!
>>>> You can even make device-specific rules if you are so inclined. Hit me
>>>> up if you want to learn more. I've been running this for a good while
>>>> now (running as a docker container on an RPi) and it's wonderful!
>>>> T
>>>> On 05/03/2025 11:55, Lance A. Brown via TriLUG wrote:
>>>>> Sadly, uBlock Origin is now dead in Chrome.
>>>>> chromewebstore.google.com
>>>>> uBlock Origin - Chrome Web Store <#>
>>>>> Finally, an efficient blocker. Easy on CPU and memory.
>>>>> 🔗 https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ublock-origin/
>>>>> cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm?hl=en <https://
>>>>> chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ublock-origin/
>>>>> cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm?hl=en>
>>>>> https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ublock-origin/
>>>>> cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm?hl=en
>>>>> --[Lance]
>>>>> William Sutton via TriLUG wrote on 3/5/2025 11:44 AM:
>>>>>> I highly recommend uBlock Origin as well.
>>>>>> William Sutton
>>>> --
>>>> This message was sent to: Chris Bickhaus <bick at bickhaus.net>
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