[Hosting] RE: [Sys] Imap: Squirrelmail folks are nutty for it

Tanner Lovelace hosting@trilug.org
07 Aug 2002 15:45:08 -0400

On Wed, 2002-08-07 at 14:15, Jon Carnes wrote:
> I'm happy to get SpamAssassin running for Trilug.  I run it here system wide
> and it works great!  The TriLUG mail server has 1Gb of RAM so SpamAssassin
> is not going to hurt it in the least.  I run it on a 450Mhz P-II with 512Mb
> and it processes over 4K messages a day - no problem (but it was a problem
> with only 256Mb till we upped the memory to 512Mb).
> Sounds like everyone is nutty for Squirrel mail here as well.  So why don't
> we do that real quick on the mail server and see what we see for folks!

Hi Jon,

I think that's a great idea, but let's actually get e-mail up and
running first. :-)  I'm guessing we're going to be moving all our
e-mail over to moya, including all the mailman stuff, so we probably
shouldn't do that in a hurry (i.e. it should be planned out and
publicized beforehand).

If however, you think they can be done in parallel, that would be
even better. :-)  Talk to me tomorrow night about this, ok!  I'm
hoping to have the single sign on working by then (and hopefully
imap too).  I don't see any huge problems now that I figured out
I was using ipchains to firewall local dns requests (OOOPS!) :-)
Now, if I could just get nfs working on the trusted network...

Tanner Lovelace | lovelace@wayfarer.org | http://wtl.wayfarer.org/
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