[TriLUG-announce] final steering nominations reminder

Cristóbal Palmer cmp at cmpalmer.org
Wed May 12 16:03:03 EDT 2010

Hello TriLUGers,

This is your final reminder that at tomorrow's TriLUG meeting
(http://trilug.org/node/104) we will be having Steering Committee
elections, and you should fee free to nominate yourself here:


If you do so, please also make a bio for yourself and link to it from
that page. For the rest of you, please do take the time to review the
nominations and the bios, and if possible make time to come to our
meeting. It's at the regular time and place:

When: Thursday the 13th at 7pm
Where: Red Hat Raleigh --

Pizza will be provided.

Cristóbal M. Palmer
ibiblio.org systems
UNC Chapel Hill

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