[TriLUG] Sawfish, Enlightenment.. any RH 7.1 WM

Rodent of Unusual Size Ken.Coar at Golux.Com
Sun Nov 4 15:55:18 EST 2001


The main thing that is holding me back from really making
use of my 6.2->7.1 upgraded systems is the window manager.
When I did the upgrade, I chose Enlightenment because that's
what 6.2 used by default, and I really didn't want to have
to learn a new WM midstream.  Unfortunately, the Enlightenment
with RH 7.1 resembles that in 6.2 not at all. :-(  So I
tried Sawfish, which on fist blush looked like Enlightenment
*used* to look, and also more customisable as well.  It,
however, had a problem that started me looking around for a
different WM.

Unfortunately, the RH 7.1 Enlightenment seems to have the
problem, too, and I wouldn't be surprised if they all do.
The problem is with window history.

On my 6.2 system, I can start up N rxvt windows and position
them where I want wrt x, y, and desktop/viewport.  When I
save the session, either explicitly or by logging out, when
I log back in, new ones are started where I placed the old
ones.  Exactly the behaviour I want.

Except that Enlightenment only seems to remember *one* of
those windows -- the last one created/saved -- and
on the x-y aspect at that.  It always gets started in the
first desktop/viewport.  Sawfish at least remembers all the
windows, even though they were all started in the first
desktop and only one of them remembers the x-y placement.

I really don't have a lot of time or energy to devote to
figuring out and debugging this crap; I need a cookbook.
Does anyone have any idea how I can tell either Sawfish
or Enlightenment -- or some other easy option -- that I
want two rxvt windows placed *here* in desktop 0, two
placed *there* on desktop 1, and so on -- and have it
remember all the pertinent details?

#ken	P-)}

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Golux.Com/coar/
Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/

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