[TriLUG] Bio

Sinner from the Prairy sinner at escomposlinux.org
Thu May 9 12:08:41 EDT 2002

Avui, Dijous 09 Maig 2002 11:08, no tenieu res mes que fer i me vareu enviar 
aquest e-mail
> Jon had asked the nominees for the SC for their bio, so here goes.

OK, So I guess I will post mine as well.

My name is Josep Lluis. I arrived to North Carolina mid-2000. By the end of 
the year, I joined TRILUG ... although my membership card did not show up 
until the summer of 2001. I've been pretty active on the mail list. I 
collaborated with the School Networking as a cable-layering grunt ("associate 
manager for strategic infrastructure placing" or something like this). Mark 
Knowles and I gave the Linux Security 101 talk last August 
<http://www.ibiblio.org/sinner/security/> . Newsforge published my article 
"Setting Linux for Mom and Dad", where I dispel the myth of "Linux 
Difficulty". <http://newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=02/03/07/1545228>

I started using Linux on 1995/1996, a Slackware-something. I installed it 
using 80+ floppies and a week going back'n'forth to the lab where I was 
getting the floppies. Then, I tried Red Hat 4.something. After a while of 
trying to set up X, I bought a couple of books and a boxed SuSE 5.3. I went 
with SuSE with 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 7.0.... and then I tried Debian 2.2, RedHat 6.2 
and Mandrake 7.0 . I've been using Mandrake and RedHat distros since then. 
Now I'm with Red Hat 7.3 and Mandrake 8.1, 8.2 (nice, big HDD).

I joined the Spanish Linux newsgroup... and I have been "there" since then. 
Now, there's 5 Spanish Linux groups, a website, a weblog, all kind of 
services.... all provided by volunteers. <http://www.escopmposlinux.org>. 
I was also the founder of an Internet Cable Users group "Maduixa" (Strawberry 
in Catalan) <http://www.maduixa.net> , where I promoted Linux and provided 
support for fledgeling Cable Linux users. Yes, I'm Catalan, this is why my 
English sometimes is...funky.

I have managed to get WINE to successfully work with a "Windows-only" game. I 
posted the mini-howto on the web, where it has seen many visitors. 

My training in Unix was done with Linux :) . I got a great deal of experience 
using mixed networks (Novell, Unix and Windows.) I joined a healthcare and 
research organization in Barcelona called IMAS. There, I tried (and tried and 
tried) to use Linux. After having a lot of success connecting electromedical 
machines to heterogeneous networks and databases, I left IMAS and came to the 
US. Here, I worked at IBM first and now at Red hat, Inc. In the former, I was 
Level-2 support with Java apps running on Linux, Windows NT, AIX and Solaris. 
In the later, I work as a QA Test Engineer, trying to squash all the bugs in 
your favorite Linux distribution. I also push my own "agenda", trying to get 
a better localization and i18n support on Red Hat *grin*

Tanner says:
> My goals, if I am elected to the SC, would be to explore new
> ways for the LUG to make its resources available to LUG members
> (i.e. the mail server, shell server, ftp mirrors, etc..) and
> to search for more LUG sponsorship.  I think that the LUG
> would benefit from having a bigger cushion in the bank
> in case need it.  I would also like to solicit more feedback
> from the membership about what kind of subjects they'd like
> to see for the monthly talks.  I think it would be nice
> if we could attempt schedule talks a month or two in advance.

> I personally think the current steering committee has done
> a wonderful job and I commend them for it.  I think the LUG
> is well positioned to go forward and grow into an even better
> organization.

I agree with him. I would like to add that I believe that Linux has a big part 
to play in education centers (from K-12 schools to Universities). Specially 
with he budget cuts that affect them. So I would like to focus some TRILUG 
efforts toward this goal. My experience as a SysAdmin at IMAS with many users 
tells me that Linux, right now, is the best solution as a networked desktop 
for schools and other public institutions: easy management, more bang for the 
buck, enhanced hardware lifecycle... 

This was a long post!

I just hope that the election process doesn't eat too much time from today's 
presentation on Slick Edit.

RedHat QA Test Engineer  --  Running RedHat 7.3 on i386smp

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