[TriLUG] RR and pre-meeting subjects :

Andrew C. Oliver acoliver at apache.org
Fri Jun 14 10:41:43 EDT 2002

>You are paying for what you agreed to in your Service Agreement.  That's
>all.  That's what you agreed to when you purchased the service.  
>Basically unless the whole thing goes down for 24 hours, you don't get
>diddly.  Which is actually better than some of the others out there. 
>Telocity (DirectTV) doesn't care if you're down.
Whatever dude.  I agree to be jacked because i don't have a choice.  Its 
the only high speed available.
When I said I'm paying for it I didn't mean "gee they're legally 
obligated to blablabla"  I mean my money
is for a service, all the legal bs aside, their DNS and SMTP service is 
unsatisfactory.  At the high premium these
lovely monopolists charge, I'd expect them to be at least 1/4 as good as 

I mean its like, there is no agreement that any software program is fit 
for any particular purpose, but if you pay
for it you *expect* it to be fit for something.

>Usually you have to go to business class before specific services and
>real recourse gets written into the service agreement.
Yeah, that's a real deal at $300 a month.

>(I was startled that RR had added that 24 hour downtime... it wasn't
>there when I joined...  Good thing too. (For them.  Was down for a solid
>week, being very unpleasant to the techs...))
Humm...missed that.

>Basically it sucks.  It's hard to be a "entertainment level" (One of the
>more charming euphemisms in RR's docs) user if things aren't working,
>because you agreed that you get the shaft.  
yes.  One day I hope there is competition in my area.  I shall promptly 
switch if they don't turn their
stuff around.

>Wishing your service was working as well as you wanted it to...


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