[TriLUG] cdrecord

Jeremy Portzer jeremyp at pobox.com
Tue Apr 8 16:10:38 EDT 2003

On Tue, 2003-04-08 at 16:07, Tanner Lovelace wrote:

> open_cdrdefaults()
> {
>  /*
>   * WARNING you are only allowed to change this filename if you also
>   * change the documentation and add a statement that makes clear
>   * where the official location of the file is why you did choose a
>   * nonstandard location and that the nonstandard location only refers
>   * to inofficial cdrecord versions.
>   *
>   * I was forced to add this because some people change cdrecord without
>   * rational reason and then publish the result. As those people
>   * don't contribute work and don't give support, they are causing extra
>   * work for me and this way slow down the cdrecord development.
>   */
>   return (defltopen("/etc/default/cdrecord"));
> }

But I also noticed this "gem":
	$rpm -qi cdrecord | grep License
	License: GPL
So doesn't the license of the software take precedence?  The GPL doesn't
require accurate documentation or the other things mentioned in the
above comment.  Though I agree with the cdrecord author that it does
make a lot of sense to update the documentation and indicate the reasons
for the change.  But it's not "required."


| Jeremy Portzer       jeremyp at pobox.com       trilug.org/~jeremy     |
| GPG Fingerprint: 712D 77C7 AB2D 2130 989F  E135 6F9F F7BC CC1A 7B92 |
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