[TriLUG] linux apps on desktop that support *.mdb, *.vsd, *.dwg and *.mpp

Chris Bullock cgbullock at cox.net
Wed May 14 10:42:23 EDT 2003

We have *tried* to save money at our office by deploying OpenOffice.  
You will always have outside people that will send you .doc and .xls 
with heavy formatting and OpenOffice does not handle this well.  I have 
contacted OpenOffice with several issues and after about 4 months they 
reply with a "no fix."  So if you take the time our IT staff tries to 
sort out MS Office to OpenOffice conversions there is NO money saved.

For the visio you can try Kivio that comes with KDE.

So honestly I would keep the win emulator handy.

Don't get me wrong I think that OpenOffice and kivio are great but for a 
standard I do not foresee it entering the corporate industry as long as 
other people are still using MS Office.
my $.02

Jim Ray wrote:

>Well, taking a *.doc file, opening it w/ openoffice and using *.sxw from there was no prob.  However, I'm inevitably going to run into folks that have gone astray and that have created a database, visio drawing, autocad drawing and/or project file.
>What's the best way to handle the situation?  If there are linux apps that do the trick, I'd surely like to know about 'em before running some kinda win emulator.  Even if there were a file filter/translator thingie and i had to learn a new app, I'd opt for new app over upteen layers of code executing together nicely.
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