[TriLUG] Who runs Red Hat and KDE
karl thiele
karlthiele at nc.rr.com
Sat May 24 11:42:48 EDT 2003
Sinner from the Prairy wrote:
>On Saturday 24 May 2003 02:282am, karl thiele wrote:
>>Who runs KDE with Red Hat?
>Me. Sometimes.
>>Do you like the support you get for KDE in the RH distributions?
>Uhhh... what do you mean?
>This month someone discovered a vulnerability in KDE... and RedHat
>promptly released a patched KDE right away.
Well RH provides updates to what they feel ought to belong in KDE, if
you compare what installs from source from kde and what comes from RH,
RH leaves out features. RH does not seem compelled to keep up with kde
Ken Whal just pointed me to http://kde-redhat.sourceforge.net/ . Seems
there are others who want a full kde on RH.
>>How do you keep current with KDE updates and/or new releases?
>Like with any other distro. If you want a KDE patched against all known
>bugs, use the current distro... and use the provided KDE.
>If you want the latest KDE, compile it yourself, get it from some guy
>who has compiled it for your RedHat or keep an eye for the development
>versions of RedHat, as they will contain the latest KDE.
I have always gone and compiled it my self the konstruct package makes
this rather easy it runs and will down load everything build and
install it just by typing cd meta/kde; make install. Very easy except
that it does not do a good job of picking a mirror to down load from,
you can download (gftp) sources yourself (i do) into a cache and
konstruct will use those.
opps got to run finish my response later...
>This is like other distros. For example, in Mandrake it's the same.
>>I mostly run RH for much of my work and I do not like the way RH
>>supports KDE and vice versa.
>What is your gripe with RedHat? RedHat offers a nice and polished
>KDE.RedHat offers the BlueCurve theme. RedHat re-arranges the menu so
>it makes more sense for a user (à la Debian and Mandrake). RedHat
>offers promtly patched versions of KDE when a bug is found.
>And all this is GPL, just like KDE.
>>I also am annoyed there is no rpm for RH distributions at KDE.
>I'm mildly dissatisfied that there's no KDE-3.1.2 for neither RedHat nor
>Mandrake nor Debian Slink nor...
>>I migrated from FVWM to kde upon kde's first
>Me too.
>>so I am long in the tooth as a user. konstruct is fairly easy
>>to use to build from src, but I am still annoyed I just can not get
>>an rpm and install and keep on going. I have on occassion found some
>>who has built an RPM, but those have not always worked.... Just want
>>to get feel if anyone else feels the way I do. If there is interest I
>>will build, test and support (for a while anyway), or if someone
>>knows where "good" RH RPMS exist, I certainly would appreciate a
>Being both KDE and RedHat open source software, you have several paths
>of action:
>- Do It Yourself (tm)
>- Use Someone Else's previous work (check URL that surely you will get
>- Ask someone to do it for you (in exchage of pizza, MountainDew,
>For example:
>- For Quanta+ 3.0 , on RedHat 7.3 and Mandrake 9.0 and built my own
>- For qvwm I went the 2nd option, and used the rpms from PLF.
>- For KDE 3.,1 on Mandarke, I did chose the 3rd option --> Mandrake
>If you build rpms for RedHat / found them... let us all know about it.
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