ALSA, Re: [TriLUG] CTF, BZflag, and fun stuff.

Chris Knowles chrisk at
Thu Jun 26 12:06:48 EDT 2003

On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 11:56, Jeremy Portzer wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 10:47, Chris Knowles wrote:
> > TeamSpeak ( also works on windows and Linux. 
> > (Sorry Mac guys... :( )
> > 
> > If you would like to use TeamSpeak, do a "/msg elfick <message about
> > teamspeak>" while in the #trilug channel in IRC, and he'll get you
> > setup. 
> > 
> Note that so far we've only been able to get TeamSpeak to work with
> ALSA, the advanced Linux sound architecture.
> ALSA is quite easy to set up in Red Hat Linux (and YellowDog?) with the
> FreshRPMs repository and the directions here:
> Perhaps those of you running Debian, Mandrake, or other distros could
> mention good HOWTOs for ALSA on those distributions?  Or maybe someone
> could figure out how to get teamspeak to work with plain OSS?
> --Jeremy

I'm told by reliable sources (Tanner Lovelace) that Switching sound from
OSS to ALSA in Mandrake is as easy as opening up the Control Center
going to the sound section and selecting ALSA.

And I really need to give you kudoes Jeremy, your link there is

Chris Knowles <chrisk at>

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