[TriLUG] Reminder: TriLUG upcoming events; meeting tomorrow, installfest Saturday

Chris Knowles chrisk at trilug.org
Fri Jul 11 08:14:07 EDT 2003

Here here.

Jason's always a (as my mother would say) "mensch".  Stepping up to the
plate and volunteering/donating time and expertise.

His talk served to illustrate several things:

1) a relatively low pipe and box can still handle a heck of a throughput
of e-mail.  (If you extrapolate the rate at which e-mail was arriving,
it's ~230,000/week, which is 7x what my company of 150 gets.)

2) Always make your passwords large and relatively hard to guess, unless
you *want* someone to break in.

3) Even in a group of generally good people someone will take a joke too

4) None of it was my fault.  I didn't have my laptop.  Geez. :)

All in all a good talk, and handled beautifully well by Jason.


On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 22:45, Brian Daniels wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 06:16:14PM -0400, Jeremy Portzer wrote:
> > See http://trilug.org/ for details and directions.
> > 
> > * Thursday, July 10, 2003       7pm
> >         "Running a Linux E-mail Server" - by Jason Tower
> >         Dreyfus Auditorium, RTI
> Just wanted to give a big thank you to Jason for a great talk under 
> challenging conditions!  Well done!
> --Brian
Chris Knowles <chrisk at trilug.org>
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