dev resurgence (was Re: [TriLUG] simple regular expression to strip HTML?)

Phillip Rhodes mindcrime at
Thu Feb 19 10:33:24 EST 2004

Ken Mink wrote:

> I'm working on a project right now porting an application from one
> platform to another. There are some modules written in C and some
> written in C++. However, the target platform's compiler is very strict
> and doesn't handle the '//' comment style in 'C' files.

Not to be pedantic, but I'm pretty sure // style comments are
part of standard ANSI C now.  I think they were added
with the C-99 rev of the spec.  If so your compiler isn't
strict, it's just using an older version of the C spec.



When the 1st Amendment no longer protects your voice.
And when the 4th Amendment no longer protects your privacy or your stuff.
Thank God we have the 2nd Amendment to tell our elected representatives 
that enough is enough.
It's time to put "... from my cold, dead hands" back where it belongs.

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