[TriLUG] A job that was passed to me, out of my area, some of you may want to try for it.

Marty Ferguson marty.ferguson at pobox.com
Sat Aug 21 00:38:14 EDT 2004

I certainly would not waste my time pursuing something like this.
I need to pay my bills, and not waste my time on this kind of hype.
As much as I could do the work with my hands tied behind my back,
I would never get past the filters.  Unless I lie.  Which I could.  But 
I won't.

Mike M wrote:

>On Fri, Aug 20, 2004 at 12:44:55PM -0400, Brian Henning wrote:
>>I think you're misunderstanding the request.  Roughly translated, I think it
>>"We want someone with unreasonably high experience to devote themselves
>>full-time to this limited-time project, thereby kinking his career track
>>with a position too short-term to offer things like salary or benefits.  And
>>like it!"
>Ohhhhhh. In that case it's fine in its orinal form.  
>They will inevitably attract a certain number of BALCO-class liers
>regarding their skills and background.  They'll probably feel
>betrayed if the person they hire is all smoke, mirrors, growth
>hormones, and no substance.
>My brother, the CPA (geekness runs in the family), recently moved
>from the plastic credit business to the healthcare business.  I was
>floored that he was able to port his basic skills from one industry
>to another.  In the IT and engineering world such portability is
>rare.  The stratefication is stifling.

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