William Sutton william at trilug.org
Wed Aug 25 10:23:10 EDT 2004

At the risk of sounding bitter or anything...heaven forbid an employer 
should put up a reasonable job description rather than one that demands 
every known skill, 5 eons of experience, and the desire to work for 


On Wed, 25 Aug 2004, Stephen Hoffman wrote:

> Let me start off by apologizing to all the unemployed persons on this
> list.  I will no longer be posting any opportunities here on the off
> chance that not EVERY subscriber qualify for it.  I thought maybe, just
> maybe the people who don't qualify would simply ignore it, and those who
> did would appreciate it.  This is the second time I've seen flames start
> because of a job description.  If you don't qualify then DON'T APPLY, if
> you don't like the terms then DON'T APPLY, but don't try to discourage
> others from applying by complaining that the employer is too demanding. 
> Heaven forbid an employer wants an experienced person for their position,
> no matter how long or short it is.
> Steve

William Sutton
8003 Benaroya Ln B-7
Huntsville AL  35802

M: 919.604.2502

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