[TriLUG] Seeking someone to port a large commercial MS Access database application to theLAMP

Aaron S. Joyner aaron at joyner.ws
Tue Nov 23 10:54:38 EST 2004

Brandon Newport wrote:

>I would suggest looking to see what applications are already out there that
>fit your needs rather than paying someone to build you something from scratch.
> If you are looking for a medical practice package that is web based I highly
>suggest looking at http://www.openemr.net/ I have used it for clients in the
>past and everyone seems to really like it.  You can find a lot of software on
>www.freshmeat.net by doing searches for what you want.
Just to clarify, as someone who has some familiarity with Gerry's 
project - he's doing further development of a commercial application, 
not looking for an open source solution to a problem.  Fortunately, I'm 
glad to say he's quite interested in using open source tools to develop 
and run that application - largely because his current solution (MS 
Access) doesn't scale to where he needs to go with it.

Gerry's a nice guy, with a good product to base work for the project 
on.  If I had the time I'd work with him on it.  :)  It should be a good 
opportunity for someone with a web-app background.

Aaron S. Joyner

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