[TriLUG] Opera oddity addendums

Brian Henning brian at strutmasters.com
Wed Mar 23 15:10:00 EST 2005

Woops, forgot a couple of details:

o Definitely tied to the page I want to view---close the page, it stops.

o Seems to be linked to advertisements.  Refresh the page a few times 
(so different ads load) and it stops.

Brian Henning wrote:
> Hi Guys,
>   Every now and then, while perusing legitimately-maintained sites (such 
> as theregister.co.uk, or dansdata.com, as opposed to sketchy pr0n or 
> war3z sorts of sites), Opera will spawn a blank page and pop up the 
> following error message:
> The address type is unknown or unsupported
> fscommand:allowscale
> "fscommand"??  What is that?  It's clearly caused by these web pages 
> (I've noticed it specifically at theregister and dansdata, and it is 
> sporadic).  It's a pain, because as long as the "source" page is 
> displayed, these blank pages continue to spawn every few seconds (for 
> example, as I've typed this message, so far I have dismissed about 20 of 
> these messages [and closed their related blank pages]).
> My first guess would be some sort of scripting incompatability, but I 
> would love to know more about it (and how to prevent it without fully 
> disabling all client-side scripting).
> Thanks tons,
> ~Brian

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