[TriLUG] LVM conversion cont'd?

Joseph Tate dragonstrider at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 21:13:53 EDT 2005

Is lvmcreate_initrd just a wrapper around mkinitrd --with=lvm_mod?  If
your root partition is LVM, you will at least get a Kernel Panic with
no root partition found.  As for whether it's compiled in or is a
module, you can check the autoconf.h file that should have been
included with your kernel grepping for the appropriate #define line. 
I'm sorry that I don't know what that is off the top of my head.

On 7/20/05, Hugh Crissman <hcrissman at secure-mind.net> wrote:
> OK, after a couple of days I have to admit that LVM conversion is not
> going really well. I am not giving up but I am close. At this point I am
> reconsidering adding / to LVM. It is turning into quite a headache.
> Maybe /usr,/home,/var will be good enough.The major snag I am running
> into
> is getting the initrd script to load the lvm modules so that I can
> mount root and load the OS. Any ideas? After I change grub to look to
> the initrd that I created w/ "lvmcreate_initrd", grub loads and then
> nothing. No errors no nothing. It clearly is not loading the LVM
> modules. I am using Ubuntu 2.6.10-5-k7 kernel. I am almost certain LVM is
> compiled in, although I must admit, I have not explicitly checked. Any
> help is greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> H. Crissman
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Joseph Tate
Personal e-mail: jtate AT dragonstrider DOT com
Web: http://www.dragonstrider.com

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