[TriLUG] OpenNMS question

Shane O'Donnell shaneodonnell at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 13:13:31 EST 2006

OpenNMS uses the device's system.sysObjectID to determine what SNMP
data should be collected and, independently, what reports to make
available--automatically--for the device.

There are cases where the device's sysObjectID includes instance
values which may not be available for that specific device, and
likewise, the reports would show up empty.  Rather than showing an
empty report, the reporting servlet checks to see if the corresponding
RRD/JRobin file is there and if not, it shows that little error
message graphic.

To track down specifics, look at the XML report configuration file
(/opt/OpenNMS/etc/...) to see which reports are trying to be generated
for your device.  Methinks there's a logfile to check as well for the
corresponding process.

At least this was how it used to work...

Shane O.

On 2/14/06, Ryan Leathers <ryan.leathers at globalknowledge.com> wrote:
> When I select a monitored host in OpenNMS and click on SNMP Performance,
> I see a vexing error.  Has anyone seen this message mingled between the
> pretty MRTG graphs before?
> "The data you have selected to view is not available from this node"
> >From the host running OpenNMS I can snmpwalk a target and read all the
> values I could ever want.  After configuring the XML, following the
> documentation examples, some of the things I care about are showing up
> and others are missing.  For example, packets and octets and the like
> each show up in their own graph.  disk size, disk used, system uptime,
> and things like this don't show up.
> Is this because there is not really a way to show these in a graph?  How
> then can I get something like a system uptime value to be displayed on
> the same page as the packets and octets graphs?
> Thanks,
> Ryan
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Shane O.
Shane O'Donnell
shaneodonnell at gmail.com

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