[TriLUG] LAMP Hosting?
Shane O'Donnell
shaneodonnell at gmail.com
Sat Jun 17 17:11:47 EDT 2006
+1 on http://www.dashsystems.com/
On 6/15/06, James Brigman <jbrigman at nc.rr.com> wrote:
> Hey TriLUG;
> I'm casting around for a hosting company that specializes in LAMP
> servers - specifically, a LAMP server for FTP that can provide a way for
> customers of mine out on the internet to log in/authenticate (to my AD
> LDAP), be presented with a customized selection of downloadable
> products, download their choices and retain a record (that I can
> download) of those choices for recordkeeping of what products they have.
> Essentially, a "product access portal" for my customers.
> Can anyone recommend to me a hosting service or ISP-type company who can
> provide customizable FTP/LAMP servers?
> I'm also willing to consider hosting such a server in-house, (I have the
> hardware, I'd have to buy more 'net bandwidth) but I don't want to get
> into a major programming project. I'd be looking for a "LAMP kit" that
> could provide an easy way to get this basic functionality up and running
> quickly.
> Experienced feedback solicited;
> Thanks, JKB
> --
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Shane O.
Shane O'Donnell
shaneodonnell at gmail.com
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