[TriLUG] Myth TV - need some pointers
Greg Brown
gwbrown1 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 1 09:34:49 EDT 2007
Thanks for the info James!!!
On 9/21/07, James Brigman <jbrigman at nc.rr.com> wrote:
> Maximum Greg;
> On Fri, 2007-09-21 at 10:54 -0400, Greg Brown wrote:
> ....blah blah about outer banks that makes us all envious...:-)
> > Other Myth questions:
> >
> > 1. What distro is "best"? Debian? Redhat? By best I'm looking for the
> one
> > that "just works". The Myth box will likely be a dedicated machine
> (perhaps
> > a ssh and squid host as well, but that's about it). Thoughts?
> I tried to "build" Myth on Cent/RHEL. I got it to work, but Homer
> Jeebus, it turned into an all expenses paid trip to Dependency Hell.
> Since I don't regard dependency resolution as "Useful Knowledge", I
> scrubbed that and went with pre-packaged, KnoppMyth. That's the way to
> do it, get your money for nothing and your chicks...you know the rest.
> I used KnoppMyth for a year or two and it's OK. Reely reely easy to
> install and configure. (If you're the kind who has trouble with
> KnoppMyth, turn in your man card and go back to WIndows Media
> Edition....)
> But...the "ease" comes with a price. It's been a buggy distro and the
> revision schedule to fix those bugs has been dizzying. And there is no
> pure upgrade path like there is with a Fedupdora or RHELeaseme.
> Amazingly, just as I was about to deep-six the annoying Slashdot
> subscription, (I'm really sick and tired with the "cutesy-saying-dept"
> stuff - someone gets PAID to do that?) they came to the rescue:
> http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/08/28/161258
> A review from lil' old linux.com. Praise be: o lordy did this one hit
> the spot. Pitchures and all:
> http://www.linux.com/feature/118668
> Tasty goods! Fedupdora has one of those "every breath you take" release
> schedules, but hey, it can't be any worse than KnoppMyth was....oh,
> wait...MythDora is based on v6 Fedora and v7's out now...did I speak too
> soon? Can't tell yet.
> Note the amusing arguments posted after the review. Lots of negative
> feedback about the review, but being a long-time KM user I really didn't
> take it that way - when it comes to Myth-anything, any experienced
> blurbage is welcome whether I agree or not. KnoppMyth has some very
> mature forums and it's the dominant MythDistro. (flames to /dev/null
> please)
> > 2. I read somewhere that the TV listings were going away and this was
> going
> > to affect Myth boxes. Has this been addressed?
> Yes, there used to be a free service available that is now for-pay. It's
> cheap, but I don't remember how much, I'm still running off the free
> sked. Yeah, I miss a show now and then.
> > 3. What kind of hardware am I looking at? Being a dedicated machine I'd
> > like something that looks like it belongs next to a television. A fat
> disk
> > is a must, but I have no need to burn content so an included DVD burner
> > isn't necessary (besides I could hook one up via USB I
> suppose). However if
> > the thing already comes with a DVD burner that's cool.
> I use a 3 year old moderate-strength 32bit system, 1GB RAM, Hauppauge
> PVR-500 card. It's dual tuners are excellent and well worth the extra
> money. Plenty of support for the card and it's built-in decoder ring. I
> thought about HD but it's free software and I'm doing it on a budget and
> I don't care about the whole big 'ol 8 channels you can get in HD....
> --
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