[TriLUG] domain registrars

Paul McLanahan pmclanahan at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 17:49:32 EDT 2008

I do agree that their interface in the past left something to be
desired. They've improved immensely, and that was mostly likely after
you left. So you can take or leave that. I know it's subjective....
so... YMMV.

They do indeed upsell on the marketing site, and when you check out.
It does bother me a little... but not enough for me to carry my
business elsewhere.

I haven't experienced the password recovery, can't comment there.

As far as other people's experiences... I'll just have to wait to have
a problem I guess. After so much time w/ them I'm not going to leave
because others had issues.

The Gitmo post was unfortunate. However, if you research further
you'll find that he was merely less informed than he should have been.
Upon being pointed to more info on the subject by various commenters,
he deleted the post and posted a followup recanting his previous
position citing the new information. I personally respect that.
(sorry, no time right now to collect links)

You're more than entitled to your opinion though, and I respect that
as well. Just wanted to offer my $0.02.


On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 1:51 PM, Cristóbal Palmer
<cristobalpalmer at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 11:11 PM, Paul McLanahan <pmclanahan at gmail.com> wrote:
>  >  Have you used them and had an issue?
>  I have used them, yes. I've decided not to buy from them in the
>  future. My gripes, in no particular order:
>  (1) Constant oversell, upsell, marketing spam on website. Unlike you,
>  this bothers me.
>  (2) unintuitive password recovery procedure. I assumed I should get a
>  "hint" instead of changing my password. The interface wanted my
>  address, which I gave it, but it didn't like my address. After having
>  my password reset to something else, I went in and checked and yes, I
>  was typing in the correct address. What gives? Really frustrating 20
>  minutes.
>  (3) oddly enough, I find their domain management interface frustrating
>  and slow, specifically:
>   (a) There's not a way to change eg. _just_ the technical contact for
>  all my zones at once. Please correct me if I'm wrong here.
>   (b) no way to cancel privacy for a domain if you've added it
>  (3) got an upsell *phone* call. ugh.
>  (4) I *do* object to their use of busty models to sell domain hosting.
>  What really has soured me on them is reading about other people's
>  problems, the most egregious examples are of whole domains yanked for
>  questionable reasons.
>  Examples:
>  http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2007/01/godaddy_defends.html
>  http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2008/03/godaddy-silence.html
>  A bunch more: http://nodaddy.com/
>  It's funny that they're so eager to yank stuff given where having
>  their own advert yanked from TV got them.
>  Then there's the head of GoDaddy, Mr. Parsons. Have a look-see:
>  http://mccarthy.vg/articles/05/06/21/1238206.shtml
>  The link above is a blog post about Mr. Parson's defense of torture at
>  Guantánamo Bay. I think I'll take my business elsewhere.
>  Cheers,
>  --
>  Cristóbal M. Palmer
>  http://tinyurl.com/3apraw "They also abandoned other volumes, later,
>  while fleeing from the librarians."
>  --
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Paul McLanahan

"I am just absolutely convinced that the best formula for giving us
peace and preserving the American way of life is freedom, limited
government, and minding our own business overseas."

 - Ron Paul

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