[TriLUG] looking for resume writer/improver

Neil L. Little nllittle at embarqmail.com
Mon Jan 24 12:11:20 EST 2011

I just saw article in the N&O that says that companies were going over 
seas because the workers lacked skills. I cannot believe this.
Its more of a matter that the companies are defining more esoteric skill 
sets, shopping for their employees. When they can not find this
exact match they decide to go overseas ... on purpose.


There is also a couple of groups that provide networking and other job 
search help.

This is the Colonial Baptist church over in Cary. It is free

There is also the Triangle Networking Group, their meetings require a 
fee paid to attend.
(Dont use them any more since they started charging the fee)

I did got to both of these groups at one time but stopped when things 
got so "dry".
I may start going again since the conditions are said to be improving.


Neil, WA4AZL

Joseph Mack NA3T wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Jan 2011, Maxwell Spangler wrote:
>> So now I try to spread the word that the hiring process is "broken."
> I had dinner at a friend's place once with a guy who ran a placement 
> service. I started with my littany of problems I'd seen with the 
> hiring process. He waved his hand, stopping me in mid sentence, quite 
> cheerfully admitting that the process didn't work, and that the people 
> placed usually weren't the best for the job. To do that, he'd have to 
> personally know all the workers in town, whether looking for a job or 
> not, and all the companies and the managers. Presumably to do this, 
> he'd need to go to all the meetings that people like Alan Porter and 
> Jim Ray speak at and get to know everyone in the audience.
> He said his job was to get companies what they asked for. He had no 
> illusions that this was good, ideal, or worked well. It gave him a 
> comfortable living.
> Joe

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