[TriLUG] OT: PT One tech issue from tonight's debate
William Sutton
william at trilug.org
Wed Oct 17 09:14:08 EDT 2012
Ugh, politics.
I'm with Aaron one one thing: If you want to come to this country, work
for a living, pay your taxes, and be a responsible member of society, the
doors should be wide open. That's part of what made this country so
strong in the 1800s and early 1900s (technology or no).
William Sutton
On Tue, 16 Oct 2012, Aaron Joyner wrote:
> Warning: this is veering *seriously* off topic for this list.
> With that disclaimer... sure. I'll bite. Given the inevitable boom
> that would result from the free melting pot of smart minds, yes. I'd
> *love* for my child to grow up in that world with a solid technical
> background. Any other thinking is protectionist nonsense. I want my
> son to work with the best and brightest minds in the world, not the
> best and brightest minds that happen to be born here, or fit inside
> the quota system centrally planned by a bureaucrat with no first-hand
> knowledge of the needs of a particular sector.
> Either you believe that great minds work together to create great
> tools/products/widgets that make society better, which makes us all
> better off, thus the more of that the merrier... or you believe that
> there is a finite number of jobs and we have to keep people not born
> here from stealing them, or we won't have any work to do. Personally,
> I firmly believe in the former, market-driven, entrepreneurial, world
> view. Elucidating why is probably unforgivably far off topic for this
> list.
> Aaron S. Joyner
> PS - I didn't watch the debate, as it's very unlikely I'll vote for
> either of the candidates in that debate. What we really need is
> voting reform, to something satisfying the Condorcet criterion, so I
> can realistically stack rank a large field of candidates.
> Unfortunately, I don't hold out high hope that we'll break the 2-party
> gridlock in my life time, though.
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 8:40 PM, P L Charles Fischer
> <cfischer at modernferrotype.com> wrote:
>> So did you here Romney say no more H1B visas?
>> Not in so many words, but in effect he said that there would
>> be no need for H1B visas because he would allow anybody that
>> had an accredited degree in a technical field to have a green
>> card. Here is the quote:
>> "people around the world with accredited degrees in --- in
>> science and math get a green card stapled to their diploma,
>> come to the US of A."
>> So what do you think? Still thinking about wanting or even
>> letting your kids get a science or other technical degree?
>> If this is too off topic, sorry.
>> -Charles Fischer
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