[TriLUG] Reminder: August 8 Meeting, Patents and Linux in Context

Barry Peddycord III bwpeddyc at ncsu.edu
Wed Aug 7 09:45:18 EDT 2013

Topic: Patents and Linux in Context
Presenter: Keith Bergelt
When: Thursday, 8th August 2013, 7pm
Where: NC State Engineering Building II Room 1025, Centennial Campus
Parking: The parking decks and Oval Drive street parking are free
after 5pm
RSVP: http://trilug-august2013.eventbrite.com/

Keith will talk about intellectual property as a reality that shapes
the context for open source software, particularly when overlaid
against trends in technologies such as mobile and cloud computing,
provide the history of Open Invention Network and its licensee
community, and discuss Linux Defenders and other opportunities for
community members to contribute proactively for the benefit of open
source software.

Keith Bergelt is the chief executive officer of Open Invention
Network® (OIN), the collaborative enterprise that enables innovation
in open source and an increasingly vibrant ecosystem around Linux. In
this capacity he is directly responsible for enabling, influencing and
defending the integrity of the Linux ecosystem. Central to the
achievement of his goals is the acquisition and transfer of patent
rights designed to permit members of the Linux ecosystem to operate
free of the threat of assertion and litigation from those whose
business models are antithetical to innovation and global economic
growth in information technology and computing.


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