[TriLUG] OT: what is this cable?

Steve Litt slitt at troubleshooters.com
Mon Oct 13 13:53:46 EDT 2014

On Mon, 13 Oct 2014 12:59:50 -0400
Aaron Joyner <aaron at joyner.ws> wrote:

> There is a good and very memorable rhyme, which I was taught as a
> child. It is helpful for those who might encounter coral and/or king
> snakes: Red on Black, Friend of Jack
> Red on Yellow, Kill a fellow
> I do not mean to cast doubt on Steve's story, I only pass it along
> because it's common to find king snakes in the Piedmont area of NC,
> and very unusual to find coral snakes.  Regardless, it's helpful to
> remember the rhyme, both to avoid unnecessary panic and/or
> unnecessary danger.  I seem to recall Steve has more than a passing
> association with Florida, where it's much more common to encounter
> coral snakes.  They are found in NC, but mostly by the coast.

This occurred in suburban Orlando, Florida, where I've seen four coral
snakes, all four of which had their yellow bands touching black on one
side and yellow on the other. I saw a coral snake that had been cut in
half with a shovel, and it was still slithering.

I also fought a rattlesnake with a broom, but that's a story for
another time :-)


Steve Litt                *  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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