[TriLUG] Anyone pay their raleigh utility bill on line?

via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Thu Feb 18 14:54:17 EST 2016

On 2016-02-17 10:21, James Jones via TriLUG wrote:

> All,
> I have tried all morning to login to the raleigh nc utility billing 
> website
> to pay my bill. Each time I try, I receive a message "The system is
> currently unavailable. Please try back again later".
> I even tried to retrieve my username & password, but on username, it 
> fails
> on my account number says it is an invalid account number. A number 
> being
> copied directly from my bill.
> I called their customer service and was told that I was the only person
> complaining about the website, so it must be my problem. I tried 4
> different browsers and received the same results. I even rebooted my 
> ubuntu
> computer ( something I reserve for windows pc's ).
> Anyone have a contact to raleigh nc's IT department?
> jcj KK4VUS
> --
> Jc Jones
> Blogs -
> http://www.wendellgeek.com/weblog/ [1]
> http://www.wendellgeek.com/kixtech/ [2]

Hah. I had the exact same issue. Contacted them, and they brushed it 
under the
rug the same way. I've had a pattern of issues with their site; it 
seems like every time to go to pay something, it's down or something 
goes wrong.
I've seen 500s, database errors, all kinds of nasty stuff.

Going to try to setup some payment system outside that site because
it's a disaster...not sure I want my credit card going through it, 
although I
suppose it's too late for that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

- Erik

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