[TriLUG] Opinions sought: Log parsing tools, postfix particularly

Brian via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Mon Jul 10 10:03:51 EDT 2017

Hi Folks,

For a long time I've been using logwatch to give me daily synopses of my 
server's activity.  These days, I'm finding I want more detail, 
particularly as it applies to postfix rejections.  Right now I get a 
logwatch digest that tells me, for example, the daily number of 4xx and 
5xx rejections that occur.  I'd like something that will let me 
optionally drill down to details about individual rejects, without 
having to grep my way through eye-crossing log files.  I could whip up 
something myself, but there's gotta already be several mature options 
out there among which I could choose.

Any suggestions?  A web interface would be ideal; RDBMS back-end 
(ideally MySQL) a plus.

I am JFG-ing-I, but I'm interested in usage anecdotes.


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