[TriLUG] OT: remote controlled antenna rotator

John Vaughters via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Tue Jan 16 07:58:29 EST 2018

Ebay has some really cheap gear motors that should handle the task. Then you will need an H-Bridge motor driver that will hook up directly to an arduino, which are also cheap. I guess the question would be the gearing to the pole. Maybe some type of timing belt solution if you wan to maintain position, plain friction belt, sprocket and chain, or gear. Of course if you get the right gear motor, you could attach it directly to the antenna shaft. 
Sounds like fun. Good Luck,
John Vaughters
    On Monday, January 15, 2018, 7:48:01 PM EST, Ron Kelley via TriLUG <trilug at trilug.org> wrote:  
 Slightly OT, but I know we have a bunch of smart people on the mailer…

Looking to attach sort of antenna rotator to our HD antenna in the attic.  It is a smallish unit (maybe 10lbs) that needs to adjusted every so often, and I would like to use some sort of remote control device (electric lazy susan?) to avoid a trip to the attic.  Amazon has a number of pricey units, but I was hoping I could do some sort of low-cost DIY project with Arduino or Raspberry Pi. 

Any pointers?

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