Ansible in Real Life


Slides: Available on Google Drive


Developing, testing, staging, and deploying python server applications is simplified when the same tool manages all of your various operating environments. Learn how to use Ansible to manage all of these environments from a single set of inventories and playbooks.

Joseph will talk in depth about how to use inventories and playbooks intelligently to deploy your application stack to developer workstations (e.g., Vagrant), test systems (e.g., Jenkins), full test environments (permanent or ephemeral), and even to production servers without repeating yourself, or building a bunch of if/else/fi or switch statements in bash.


Joseph began programming in 1994 in TurboPascal after dabbling a bit in basic on Apple II, Commodore VIC-20, and DOS, cut his first open source teeth on PHP earning commit access to a couple of modules in 2001, and since has contributed to many other projects. He saw the light in 2005 when he began developing web based applications in Python (TurboGears pre-1.0) He now contributes most regularly to CherryPy and a couple of pet projects. A long time RPM slinger, he worked for the now defunct rPath from 2005-2009 building system configuration and distro building software. Now he runs the completely virtual infrastructure and continuous testing and build system for a small SaaS startup in California from his evil lairWWbasement. Joseph holds a BSE in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Duke University, contributes regularly to his local Linux and Python User Groups, and has reluctantly been awarded five software patents. He thinks VIM is the best editor. Joseph lives in Durham, NC.

April 21 - Hack Night!


Come hack on our new server, Moya - let's get it running to the point that Pilot can take a well-deserved rest. Any and all help, big or small, appreciated!

...or bring a personal project down to work on. Brainstorm with your fellow TriLUGers, bounce ideas around, hack!

If you can't make it in person, hop on IRC; we'll be hanging out on #trilug-sys on Freenode.

April 14th - Building A 3D Printer the Hard Way


Video Resources


Desktop 3D printing has become fairly popular in the last few years, and affordable printers are flooding the market. But why buy a difficult to hack black box when you could spend weeks sourcing/printing parts, crimping a a bunch of wires, and calibrating a fully open design from the RepRap project?

Aside from the freedom that comes from building your own libre hardware printer, building your own has many advantages that make the effort worth it. Want dual extrusion? Triple, quadruple extrusion even? Or how about pushing the limits by printing clay or icing? Perhaps you'd like a tiny but super fast printer, one you could fold up and fit into a backpack, or a printer with a meter of build height. With a libre hardware printer, you can do all of this -- and far more affordably than purchasing or modifying a closed printer platform.

This talk will cover the advantages (and disadvantages) of building a libre hardware printer with a focus on the popular RepRap Prusa i3 family. Finding the community, selecting one of dozens of designs, sourcing components, and building a printer from scratch can be a harrowing experience -- this talk should provide some orientation in the chaos and make the process easier.

The talk will also cover using a 3D printer with 100% Free Software on GNU/Linux, from designing models (including the printer itself!) to the microcontroller running the printer.


Clinton Ebadi is a kilt-wearing, cat-loving, Free Software enthusiast. He's spent most of the last decade volunteering for the Internet Hosting Cooperative and learning way more than anyone should know about OpenAFS. After picking up an Arduino last year to make a few LED strips blink, he found himself borrowing a friend's 3D printer a few months later, and ended up hooked on hardware hacking.

March 10th - Openshift 3 and the next generation of PaaS


Clayton Coleman is architect and engineer on cloud orchestration and containers at Red Hat, in charge of both technical direction for Kubernetes and OpenShift (Red Hat's platform as a service built on top of Kubernetes) as well as the broader container and container content efforts at Red Hat. Clayton is one of the top contributors to both Kubernetes and OpenShift and has been involved in many projects in the container, platform-as-a-service, and ci/cd ecosystem over the last four years. He enjoys sleeping, but rarely has time to do it anymore.


Containers, Microservices, Continuous Integration and Deployment, and DevOps are the buzzwords of the day. But how do they actually help make it easier to build and run software? How do container-as-a-service systems like Kubernetes, Mesos, or Docker Swarm change how software is deployed?

In this talk I'll cover how all of these topics come together, how they can benefit developers and operators, and how we've built a platform (OpenShift) that supports, exposes, and safeguards that flexibility and power for devs AND ops. I'll do an overview of the features and patterns in OpenShift that make it easy to build and deploy applications, with a quick demo of how it puts Docker containers to work in a cluster for local and remote development.

Since OpenShift is built on top of Kubernetes, I'll also describe how Kubernetes was built to solve Google-scale problems and how even the humblest local web application can benefit from those patterns.

February 18th: Hack Night!


The focus of this week's hack night we be to get a pilot (our current physical server) running as a VM on the new machine. Jmainguy has already copied over a disk image, so our tasks will be to verify that we are happy with the host configuration, to boot the pilot VM and verify that services (ssh, http, mail) are working properly, and to configure any proxying from the host to VM that is needed. If we are successful in this, we can draft a plan for swapping out the current pilot for the new VM server.

Come join us for some intellectual socializing and hacking for a great cause!

February 11th - Lightning Talks


We all know the TriLUG community is an infinite pool of enabling wisdom. Now it is time to tap into the intellectual resources of the group. Our next meeting will be all about sharing your ideas via Lightning Talks. The ultimate goal is knowledge transfer and maximum participation is required to make it awesome.

You will have approximately 10 minutes to engage the audience on a topic of your choice. You can prep slides for presentation or you can lead a group discussion.

Respond to the mailing list with your topic and we will reserve your time, first come first serve.

Topic 1: A lightning tour of Haskell, a lazy, functional programming language with a rich type Presenter: Jack Hill

Topic 2: Sound Reinforcement 101, For Software People Presenter: Matthew Frazier

Linux is excellent for audio work, but this won't cover too much of the software side. This talk is more for those who are coming at sound reinforcement from the software side, and getting tripped up when audio signals behave differently than software people tend to expect. (Like me, when I first started getting involved with the production crew at church.)

Depending on how much I can pack into 10 minutes, we'll cover the nature of sound, how it gets carried in both analog and digital forms, what all the weird equipment you see sound engineers carrying around does, and how to finagle sound into the format you want when you're hooking cables together.

Topic 3: Demo a Minecraft Server running on a Raspberry Pi 2 Presenter: Emmett Miller (age 6) and Scott Miller

Here is a teaser slide:

Topic 4: Migrating WordPress snapshots within OpenShift Presenter: Donald Frustaglio

Topic 5: Advanced use of LibreOffice Presenter: Jeremy Davis

For two years I have used LibreOffice to publish the Triangle Career Development Newsletter. The relational database known as LibreOffice Base is the primary workhorse of the operation, which I use to gather information from over 100 websites. Once I capture all the data for upcoming events, a set of queries sorts and organizes the data then concatenates the results with HTML to create a nicely formatted newsletter ready to publish. One step of the process also involves LibreOffice Calc with a few hefty formulas to zip everything together. I will walk you through the process. The goal of this talk is to demonstrate the integrity and advanced capabilities of LibreOffice.

January 21: Hack Night!


After months of hard work and phone tag by TriLUG sysadmins and volunteers, our new server, Moya, has been racked and installed in temporary housing! (Thanks to MetaMetrics for providing the space!) Our mission tonight is to convert our current server into a VM and get it running on the new server.

We will plan and coordinate our efforts in advance on the #trilug-sys IRC channel, on

Meeting January 14: Investigating and Addressing Performance Issues


Slides: Google Drive

Rather than just accepting poor system performance, you can use the tools available in Linux to better understand the underlying causes of those issues and suggest ways of resolving them. This presentation will include:

  • How to use tools such as the Linux kernel's perf tool to show what regions of code consume the most processor time.
  • How to identify areas of an application that most need to be optimized.
  • How modern processors work (just enough to better interpret performance data).
  • A demonstration of these tools running on a Dragonboard 410c, an inexpensive aarch64 development board.

William Cohen has been a developer of performance tools at Red Hat for the past decade. He has worked on numerous performance tools in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora, including OProfile, PAPI, SystemTap, and Dyninst.

Officer Nominations
This meeting will include an election to replace resigning PR Officer Matthew Frazier on the TriLUG Steering Committee. Currently, Jeremy Davis is nominated. If you wish to nominate yourself, you can do so on the TriLUG mailing list or at the meeting.

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The Linux Users Group of the Triangle. Serving Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and RTP.


Our monthly meetings are hosted by:

Dr. Warren Jasper

Hosting Sponsor

Hosting for TriLUG's infrastructure is provided by:


3D Printed "TriTuxes" provided by:
Brian Henning