August 18 - Hack Night!


We're coming into the homestretch with Moya. We want to get the Pilot VM running and validated in preparation for swapping Moya in for Pilot. Come on down and help! Everyone welcome!

Or bring one of your personal projects down and hack away! Join your fellow TriLUGers at Caktus Group for an evening of fun tech hackery.

If you can't make it in person, hop on IRC; we'll be hanging out on #trilug-sys on Freenode.

August 11th - Installing Linux and Configuring Networking on White Box Switches


Synopsis Traditionally when procuring a managed switch for a data center network, the hardware and the operating system came bundled together and were considered inseparable. White box switches are a relatively new technology in the market where the hardware and OS are obtained separately, giving the customer a choice of operating system and reducing the threat of vendor lock-in. There are several vendors that produce network operating systems (NOS) that run on white box switches, such as Cumulus Networks, Big Switch, and Pica8.

This presentation will introduce the technology that drives white box switching, followed by a technical demonstration of how to use freely-available tools to simulate provisioning, configuring, and managing a data center network. The presentation does not assume any prior networking background, and source code will be provided so that attendees can follow along during the presentation or on their own at home.

Bio Barry Peddycord III has been a member of Trilug since 2011. He holds a Master's degree in Computer Science from NC State University and has served as a past Chair of the TriLUG Steering Committee. Barry works as an engineer at Cumulus Networks, a networking startup that has ported Linux to data center switches. His hobbies include cooking, running, and hacking on assemblers and emulators for pre-2000 game consoles.

Huge thanks to Robert Sherwood for reserving the RTP Frontier meeting space! In return for his good deed, let's be sure to highly recommend Oak City Technology to anyone interested in web design!

July 21 - Hack Night!


We're coming into the homestretch with Moya. We want to get the Pilot VM running and validated in preparation for swapping Moya in for Pilot. Come on down and help! Everyone welcome!

Or bring one of your personal projects down and hack away! Join your fellow TriLUGers at Caktus Group for an evening of fun tech hackery.

If you can't make it in person, hop on IRC; we'll be hanging out on #trilug-sys on Freenode.

Raspberry Pi Talks



TriLUG's July meeting is a series of short talks about Raspberry Pi (also referred to as RPi).

In the past, the RPi topic has attracted perhaps the largest attendance in the history of TriLUG. We are revisiting this topic due to popular demand. We will begin our talks at the level of an advanced 2nd grader Hacking Minecraft Pi. Midway we will learn at the level of a Red Hat Principal Software Engineer on the topic of RPi in the aviation community. Then we shall culminate at the highest levels of academia with a Professor and Textile Engineering Program Director at North Carolina State University on the topic of Real-Time Data Acquisition with the Raspberry Pi.

1st RPi Topic: Minecraft hacking with python on the Raspberry Pi Presenter: Emmett Miller Abstract: Hacking Minecraft Pi Edition in real time with python on the Raspberry Pi is a great introduction to programming and python. This presentation will show how to get started with Minecraft Pi Edition as well as provide a brief demonstration. Bio: A rising 2nd grader at Brooks Elementary, Emmett Miller is a seasoned gamer and Linux user. In the future he wants to work as a software engineer for Mojang to work on Minecraft.

2nd RPi Topic: Aircraft Navigation with Stratux Presenter: Michael Hrivnak Abstract: The general aviation community is using RPis with software defined radios and a USB GPS, combined with an OSS project called "stratux", to make a device that's useful in the cockpit for navigation. Bio: Michael Hrivnak is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat and Team Lead for the Pulp Project. With strong experience in both software and systems engineering, he is excited to be writing software for systems engineers. Michael is passionate about open source software, live music, general aviation, and reducing energy consumption.

3rd RPi Topic: Real-Time Data Acquisition with the Raspberry Pi Presenter: Warren Jasper, PhD, PE Abstract: The Raspberry Pi is an extremely versatile and inexpensive SBC capable of many of the functions found in laptops and desktops. However, it lacks the hardware (other than GPIO) to perform basic real-time data acquisition such as A/D, D/A, temperature measurement, counters and timers. This talk will demonstrate how to interface data acquisition devices to the Raspberry Pi using open-source tools via USB, Bluetooth, & Ethernet. Bio: Warren Jasper is Professor and Textile Engineering Program Director at North Carolina State University.

Our previous RPi talk was a huge success. Details about that event and video can be found here

Huge thanks to Robert Sherwood for reserving the RTP Frontier meeting space! In return for his good deed, let's be sure to highly recommend Oak City Technology to anyone interested in web design!

Open Hardware for Fun and Profit


NOTE: Doors open at 6:30PM

Abstract: You've been having the "Fun", now you're thinking about the "and Profit." Where to start? What challenges and benefits does an Open mindset bring to the Business table? Licenses: How do they work? While we can't tell you how to get rich quick, we can share our experiences in starting and running a small company based on Open principles. Hopefully we'll answer some of your questions along the way.

The Maniacal Labs team will discuss topics such as: Creating open hardware and software in your spare time, for fun and profit. Leveraging the power of open source to make a better product. What worked for us. What did not work. How open source tools make for a better open source product. Crowdfunding and engaging with the community. The ups and downs of open source licensing, especially in the world of hardware.

Company and Speaker Bios

Maniacal Labs is an Apex, NC based open hardware and software company that specializes in digital art and all things bright and flashy. Our first product, the AllPixel, is like a universal translator for all variety of digital LEDs and was quite successfully launched on Kickstarter in 2014. We aim to educate, enable, and help prove that open source can work for all aspects of business. By night, we are Maniacal Labs, but by day, we are:

Adam Haile - Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat, working on continuous integration of the Red Hat suite. Spends all of his free time working on a variety of open source code to facilitate a love of code and lighting as a digital art-form. Before the artistic calling, he developed other projects such as Elpis, an open Pandora Radio client with over 60k users to date.

Dan Ternes - Test Engineer at EMC, providing hardware Failure Analysis for Manufacturing operations. An appreciation for the meeting of Hardware and Software has lead to years of tinkering with microcontrollers to realize tangible, and occasionally useful creative works. By sharing his projects, ideas, and experiences, he hopes to give back to the communities that have taught him much.


The Linux Users Group of the Triangle. Serving Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and RTP.


Our monthly meetings are hosted by:

Dr. Warren Jasper

Hosting Sponsor

Hosting for TriLUG's infrastructure is provided by:


3D Printed "TriTuxes" provided by:
Brian Henning