November 10 - Software Defined Radio
2016-10-28Slides: Here
Scott Hall will kick us off with some of the background and history of Software Defined Radio, and give us an overview of the technical theory behind it. After that, he'll launch into some of the common implementations and cover practical concerns.
Once we've got a bit of technical grounding in the subject, Phil Rhodes will step in with a live demo of some of the hardware and software involved with SDR.
After that, we will open the floor to let others give it a shot, or demonstrate their own SDR equipment. So bring your own SDR dongle on down and play!
About Scott Hall: I have been interested in electronics and radio since a child (first ham-license when I was 9). I apprenticed & journeymaned to a professional broadcast engineer in high-school going into college, and at the same time building and using computers and software. After getting degrees in both hardware and software engineering, I have careered mostly in Software Development with forays into Embedded Engineering. My first experience in Software Defined Radio was using some DSP's and ham-radio gear back in the 1990's.