December 13 - Holiday Demo Social


Topic: Holiday Demo Social 2018 Edition
Presenter: TDB
When: Thursday, 13 December 2018 - 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Where: NCSU College of Textiles, 1020 Main Campus Dr., Room 2207
Parking: Underground parking deck immediately adjacent to the building (see map)
Map: Google Maps

TriLUGers Unite!

The time for our world famous Xmas party is almost upon us! And this year it happens on December the 13th!

As a tradition passed down by generations dictates, we invite YOU to come in and not only enjoy our delicious banquet but also show off any interesting project you are doing.


  • Can you excite others without using hypnotism? Laser pointers are OK.
  • Do you want to create a buzz for a talk you will give at TriLUG next year?
  • Do you just want to show something interesting in open source and/or Linux?
  • Does your arduino-based robot want to destroy all humans?

If you can answer YES to any of these questions, do sign up using our fancy Form, providing info on what you have in mind!


Our feast will consist of a combination of main dishes provided by your Steering Committee, and desserts and side dishes provided by YOU, our potluck contributors. We are providing boneless wings from our TriChug hosts, BaDa Wings, and a few pizzas, along with some veggies. Let us know what you can provide by filling out our Form, so that we can make sure that we offer a balanced meal, food for both hands!


Please fill out our Form so we'll know how you want to contribute to our holiday thingie, be it with food or with a demo!

November 8 - Zenoss necessary tool for a hybrid IT environment


Topic: Zenoss necessary tool for a hybrid IT environment
Presenter: Chris Freeman
When: Thursday, 08 November 2018 - 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Where: NCSU College of Textiles, 1020 Main Campus Dr., Room 2207
Parking: Underground parking deck immediately adjacent to the building (see map)
Map: Google Maps

IT is evolving. It isn't a rack of servers and network devices anymore. It doesn't have the traditional administrative roles any more. Why would we continue to use traditional monitoring? As more advanced solutions evolve, so must we. Zenoss started as an open-source project, and has evolved into a necessary tool for a hybrid IT environment. Infrastructure is not what it was - we now talk about containers, orchestration, and consumption models. Applications need to be aware, and 3 9's of uptime isn't the goal - it's the standard expectation. How prepared are you to manage your portfolio in your data center? On someone else's data center? On the cloud?

Chris Freeman joined NetApp in 2014 to assist in the transition from NetApp's previous monitoring solution to Zenoss Service Dynamics. Previous to NetApp, he helped determine best monitoring practices and designed new monitors for a large financial organization. He developed monitoring tools for a Fortune 50 company, and redesigned the SNMP stack into a consumable API.

November 3 - Pilot changes address. Thanks NetActuate


Some of you might have noticed that was down last week.

Moya, the computer the trilug website, wiki, and mailing list live in, has been hosted at Dash Systems for many years. Unfortunately they closed their Raleigh datacenter as they have switched to the cloud, and we were in a bit of a mad scramble to find a new home for Trilug.

In those dark hours, NetActuate came in and offered to host Moya in their Durham datacenter. So on Nov 2 we grabbed our 2U server from Craig at DASH Systems, took it to the new datacenter, slap and powered it up, reconfigured DNS, and got it running. There are some small issues that need to be addressed still, like possible mailing list issues, but we ar eback in business!

I would like to thank

  • Mark Price and all the crew at NetActuate for helping us out in this time of need.
  • Craig at DASH Systems for not only all the years of Moya hosting at their data center but also for putting Moya in his truck and meeting with us.
  • To our past and present officers -- Brian Gerard, Brian McCullough, Alan Porter, and Aaron Schrab -- for doing the Moya musical chair and getting us back in business.

October 21-23 - Trilug at All Things Open


When: Sunday, 21 October 2018 - Tuesday, 23 October 2018
Where: Raleigh Convention Center (R13), 500 S Salisbury St,, Raleigh, NC, US, 27601
Parking: Underground parking deck immediately adjacent to the building
Map: Google Maps Video:

We are here! Thanks to the gracious people running it, we have a table at the All Things Open this year. I have to be honest, it has been a humbling experience.

First we need to get some swag made. Specifically, stickers because everyone loves stickers! Ours is different from everyone else here because we did put QR codes on the part of the sticker you do not peel off. We should have made more because as of right now (Monday 21 October 11:44am) we are down to 20.

We also made a ton of handouts.

Sunday was setup day, and and the first was finding out our table location.

You might recognize the tux sign; it is the same one we take to every meeting. With some of the 3Dtuxes, thanks to Brian Henning, for good measure.

We will be updating (or editing) this as the event takes place. If you are at ATO, please come by our desk and say hi.

And, we would like to thank the folks at All Things Open for inviting us to come and offering us a table. We do hope we will be able to be there again next year.

CANCELLED October 11 - An introduction to the Drupal CMS


Hurricane: 2 | Trilug: 0

Our timing has not been good lately. The very day we are supposed to have another meeting a (degraded) hurricane decided to come this way. Since there is concern about not only winds but also flooding (this is NC after all), we the steering committee decided it was best to cancel the meeting.

I hope for the november meeting we will enjoy a hurricane-free atmosphere.

I do apologize to those who were looking forward to hear this great speaker talk. But we do not want to have him (and you!) call us later from Oz.

October 11 - An introduction to the Drupal CMS


Topic: An introduction to the Drupal CMS
Presenter: Chris Russo
When: Thursday, 11 October 2018 - 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Where: NCSU College of Textiles, 1020 Main Campus Dr., Room 2207
Parking: Underground parking deck immediately adjacent to the building (see map)
Map: Google Maps

We'll introduce the Drupal CMS and its surrounding relevant ecosystems. We'll take a light dive into a smattering of topics and offer a Q&A session to follow up more deeply. We'll keep it interactive -- so ask about any subject that you wish expanded. We'll also look at a quick tutorial on getting Drupal set up locally, so if you're interested, bring a laptop. We have WiFi service in our meeting.

Some of the things we'll cover, time permitting:

  • Drupal - what is it - how is it used?
  • Drupal's past, present and future
  • Drupal 8 (current version) vs previous versions
  • Drupal vs. Wordpress (because you have to)
  • Deployment and maintenance tactics and best practices
  • How to spin up a local instance
  • Performance optimization
  • Automated testing

Chris Russo is the founder of Savas Labs - a strategy design and development agency with deep Drupal expertise. When he's not behind his computer, you can find Chris playing soccer or moving about on his bicycle. Chris is passionate about social and environmental justice. He founded and sold Tilthy Rich Compost - a bicycle powered organics recycling service in downtown Durham - combining two of his passions. Chris is eager to figure out what the next Tilthy Rich is so chat him up about any ideas you have.

CANCELLED September 13 - Movie Night! Revolution OS CANCELLED


Topic: Movie Night! Revolution OS
Presenter: The trilug officers
When: Thursday, 13 September 2018 - 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Where: NCSU College of Textiles, 1020 Main Campus Dr., Room 2207
Parking: Underground parking deck immediately adjacent to the building (see map)
Map: Google Maps
Video: Slides:

Because of the hurricane, NCSU is closed until Monday. So we will have to cancel this month's meeting.

Apologies for all the members who were looking forward for a movie night.

Revolution OS is a 2001 documentary film that traces the twenty-year history of GNU, Linux, open source, and the free software movement ( It features interviews of some heavyweights in the Open Source community like Richard Stallman, Michael Tiemann, and Linus Torvalds. No Macintosh Computers were harmed during the production of this movie.

August 9 - Storage Topologies, including ZFS and btrfs


Topic: Storage Topologies, including ZFS and btrfs
Presenter: Jim Salter
When: Thursday, 9 August 2018 - 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Where: NCSU College of Textiles, 1020 Main Campus Dr., Room 2207
Parking: Underground parking deck immediately adjacent to the building (see map)
Map: Google Maps
Video: YouTube

Ever been confused about the difference between IOPS and throughput? Why the pundits are saying "RAID5 is dead"? Or how various RAID topologies work? Come to the TriLUG meeting August 9th, and Jim Salter will cover performance, redundancy, and storage efficiency for all sorts of storage topologies, along with how you'd measure them and why you'd care. We'll start out simple with a single disk, then move onwards and upwards through traditional RAID configurations, and then move on to ZFS and btrfs. Wear your nerd hat, and if you have questions, be ready to ask 'em.

Jim Salter photo (@jrssnet) is an author, mercenary sysadmin, and father of three—not necessarily in that order. He got his first real taste of open source by running Apache on his very own dedicated FreeBSD 3.1 server back in 1999, and he’s been a fierce advocate of FOSS ever since. He’s the author of the Sanoid hyperconverged infrastructure project. He writes for Ars Technica on everything from NAS distribution tools to next-gen filesystems to Wi-Fi, and reviews Wi-Fi mesh, routers, and other devices for the Wirecutter.


The Linux Users Group of the Triangle. Serving Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and RTP.


Our monthly meetings are hosted by:

Dr. Warren Jasper

Hosting Sponsor

Hosting for TriLUG's infrastructure is provided by:


3D Printed "TriTuxes" provided by:
Brian Henning